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All the necessary resources are attached to the mod and can be easily replaced at any time!

All .sma files are attached in the archive and can be easily recompiled at any time!
If you encounter any difficulties installing or running the mod, or if you require any type of support, feel free to CONTACT US at any time!

Server DEMO :

Uploaded: Feb 27, 2024 Downloads: 0

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; Mod Includes and Configurations:



Rehlds -

AMX Mod X - v1.10.0.5467

ReAPI - v5.24.0.300-dev


Included in the mod:

Models for Players (CT & T)

Models for Admins (flag "d")

Models for VIP (flag "b")

Models for OWNER (flag "l")

Models for Weapons (AK47 / M4A1 / AWP / DEAGLE)


; Mod Configurations:

This mod is particularly set up to work alongside the rank system.

More models can be added for different flags, and more flags for level can be set up so players can earn levels and get models for players or weapons.

Amxmodmenu X is set up with the privilege flags that are not included in the free leveling flags from the rank system - those flags can be easily set up anytime.

All the Anti-cheat Systems and Rechecker helpers are set up to KICK players and not to BAN them, so it can motivate players to deactivate cheats and re-enter the game and have fun, but settings can be easily changed from kick to ban.

Chat System and Admin chat + admin HUD chat are also set up by the Rank System.



; Security Plugins :

DiveXBans System: This is an AMXX plugin designed to block access for specific players to the game server for a certain period or permanently. Most players will not be able to bypass the ban.

Anti Cheat System: The Anti-Cheat system detects all types of cheats - Scripts / Aim Hacks / Wall Hacks / Speed Hacks / Bad Aliases / Forbidden CFG Settings / DLL Cheats.

GagSystem_ReAPI: Lightweight Gag System for blocking all voice/text channels.

WarGod Scanner: Instructions of plugin.

No Bhop & Sgs: Disables particular cheats that use SGS and BHop for speed hacking.

No name changer: Disables the change of name so various cheaters can't quickly change names.

AWP-Control: Controls the play with the AWP weapon and limits it to 2 rounds that can be played, then 2 rounds can't.

Super Admin: Allows the owner to ban other admins even if they have immunity.

AFK Control: Controls players if they're being AFK and transfers them to spectator, it gives 3 warnings.

Admin Chat: A plugin that sets the channels for the VIPs, admins, and owners' chats.


; Stats Plugins :

AES Rank System: An innovative rank system that can track players' results and record them in MySQL or nVault New MOTD + New Styles.

HeadShot-Deluxe-TOP5: A newer version of the Headshot-Deluxe plugin that shows the TOP 5 Headshots ranking and % of HS skill with a new MOTD Theme and Style.

Rank Level System (Chat Prefix by rank): This is a Level rank system that allows bonuses when leveling up and can set chat prefixes according to the level.

Chat Manager System Prefix: A plugin with configuration to set prefixes in the game for (players by Steam/name/IP/flags/ranks).

Flags x Level: It sets VIP flags for players to earn by playing and leveling up on the server.

Health x Level: It can set starting health for different levels.



; Menu Plugins :

Hud Weapons Menu VIP + Super VIP: This is a gaming weapon menu that provides free weapons to players, it can be configured and set access for (VIP & ADMIN & EVERYONE) + Super VIP "flag" option for AWP.

Custom AmxmodX Menu: A customizable Amxmodmenu that can set various options in the menu and options for VIP/admin flags who can access the commands.



; Fun Plugins :

Bullet DMG: Shows real-time damage + saves previous death damage within 10 seconds inflicted by players.

Models Players: This is a system for adding different models of choice for (Players, VIP, Admin, Owner, and others) (by Steam/name/IP) with an added command to disable model visibility for a player who does not want to see the models.

Models Weapons: This is a system for adding different models of weapons by choice for (Players, VIP, Admin, Owner, and others) (by Steam/name/IP).

Parachute & Multi Jump: Plugins that unlock double jump for Players and VIPs (according to settings) and also parachute (according to settings).

Jump Helper: A Plugin that allows you to do BHop without slowing you down.

Resetscore: Plugin for resetting the score with HUD + Chat.

Kill Sounds: A Plugin that plays a mix of sounds for killing players (Added cool mix of new sounds + female total of 50 sounds)

CustomSkies: A Plugin that allows the change of the sky in-game can be set up to change different skies every new game.

BombShows: It's a Plugin that shows a HUD when the bomb is being planted and after it's planted, it says where it was planted.

Ambience Style: It's a plugin that changes the ambiance in-game style with cool effects (lighting and sounds/show and other)

Kill Effects: Plugin that sets 3 different kill effects in-game.

Molotov & HealthNade: Adds 2 more spots in the storages for Molotov and HealthNade.

Flash Effects: It changes the color if the flashbang can choose from different colors.

End Music Sounds: The newest end round sound with a dance effect at the end of the round.

Revive System: This system allows you to revive your teammates or plant explosives in the enemy corps. It can be set up in various ways, allowing a certain number of players you can revive (options for VIP/admin flags)



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