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Zombie Special

MeRcyLeZZ: for original zp version
ROKronoS: for idea of Bombardier Mod
abdul-rehman and ZPA Team: for zpa version and some special mods
Junin: For Spy mode Idea
Perfect Scrash: For Adding New Modes, fix and Optimizing Code

Uploaded: Jan 01, 2024 Downloads: 24

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Zombie Plague Special

Game Play Modes:
Normal Modes: Simple Infection, Multiple Infection, Swarm Mode, Plague Mode, Armageddon
Special Modes: Nemesis, Survivor, Assassin, Sniper, Berserker, Predator, Wesker, Bombardier, Spy, Dragon
Custom Modes (If Enable): Assassin Vs Sniper, Nightmare, Remix

Special Classes Descriptions:
Nemesis: Classic Zombie with more health, glow and aura
Survivor: Classic Human with a M249 + Unlimited clip
Assassin: Classic Zombie with a darkness map in your round
Sniper: Classic Human with a Very Strong AWP can kill a zombie with one bullet
Berserker: Human with samurai sword like Ninja.
Predator: Invisible Zombie that when takes shot he returns to be visible again for a few seconds.
Wesker: From Zombie Apocalipse. Human with Deagle more Damage
Bombardier: From Zombie Plague Shade. Zombie with infinities kill bombs
Spy: Human with Simmilar Predator's Habilities and More Damage with M3 Shotgun
Dragon: Can Fly and Unleash Fire and Ice

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AMXX Mod X 1.10.0 (5461)
Release: Mar 11, 2024 Downloads: 2
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