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AES Rank Stats NEW

Uploaded: Feb 15, 2024 Downloads: 25

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AES Rank Stats an enhanced statistics plugin built upon StatsX with AES and CSstatsX SQL support. 

This modified version offers tons of new features to revolutionize your server's ranking system.

What's New:

Modified design inspired by Army Ranks StatsX, integrating advanced formulas for calculating K:D ratios, headshot kill percentages, and skill assessments based on efficiency.

Introduction of new commands, including /me and /hp, seamlessly integrated into the plugin for effortless setup and management.

Total overhaul of HTML styling and CSS, ensuring a unique and visually appealing experience for users. 

Note: To utilize the customized HTML styles, hosting them on a web server is required.

Access to our provided link for HTML style integration, simplifying the setup process for server administrators.
Note : To modify the link, navigate to amxmodx/data/lang/statsx_aes.txt and locate the line:

AES_STYLE = <link href="http:/my.gamemods-servers.com/aesrank/aes_v.css" rel=stylesheet type=text/css>

Key Features:

Enhanced command functionality, including:

/top15: Displays a customizable MOTD window showcasing the top players on the server.

/statsme: Provides a personalized MOTD window presenting individual statistics for the current map.

/rankstats: Presents a MOTD window featuring detailed statistics for the player on the server.

/rank: Instantly shows player rank information within the chat.

/stats: Accesses the comprehensive statistics menu.

/hot, /topnow: Delivers a MOTD window highlighting the top players currently active on the server.

/history, /sestats: Showcases information about the player's recent games on the server, available when statistics per map recording is enabled in CSstatsX SQL.

Customization Options:

Utilize cvars to fully customize window layouts and messages according to your preferences, ensuring seamless integration with your server's theme and atmosphere.

Elevate your server's ranking system with AES Rank Stats – the ultimate solution for advanced statistics and effortless management. Upgrade your gaming experience today!

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