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Headshot Deluxe

Uploaded: Mar 02, 2024 Downloads: 15

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AMXX Headshot Deluxe Ranking  (Modified) is an enhanced plugin for Counter-Strike 1.6 servers, designed to track players' headshot statistics and rank them based on their performance. 

This modified version introduces new features and updates, including a revamped (MOTD) style.


Headshot Tracking: The plugin meticulously records each player's total number of headshots throughout their gameplay sessions.

Ranking System: Players are ranked based on their total headshots, showcasing the top performers in the server.

Percentage Skill Display: The plugin also calculates the percentage of headshots to total kills and skill, providing insight into each player's headshot proficiency.

Customized MOTD:

The MOTD has been completely overhauled with a fresh design, offering a visually appealing interface for displaying headshot statistics and rankings.

Multiple MOTD Versions: There are three versions of the MOTD available:

Top-5 HS: A limited version that showcases the top 5 headshot performers in the server.

Note: Top 5 Headshots can maintain up to 5 players due CS 1.6 limites.

Top-HS: Another limited version that displays the top headshot performer in the server, with only 100 copies available.

Note: Top  Headshots can maintain up to 10 players due CS 1.6 limites.

Top-HS-Simple: This version will remain free indefinitely, providing basic headshot statistics.

Note: Headshots Simple can maintain up to 15 players due CS 1.6 limites.

Web Server CSS Hosting:

To ensure seamless integration of the new MOTD style, the plugin requires the hosting of a CSS file on a web server.

This CSS file is responsible for styling the MOTD and can be customized according to server preferences.

Alternative Hosting Option:

For convenience, we've provided a free link to the required CSS file, allowing server owners to utilize it if they don't have access to a web server for hosting.


/hs: Displays the player's total number of headshots and their ranking in the server's top list, directly in the chat interface.

/hsall: Presents a detailed MOTD that includes the player's total headshots, percentage skill for headshots, and potentially other relevant statistics.

Enhance your Counter-Strike 1.6 server experience with Headshot Ranking Deluxe, offering comprehensive headshot tracking and ranking features along with a visually appealing MOTD presentation.

Elevate your server's competitiveness and engage your players with their headshot performance metrics!

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AMXX Mod X 1.10.0 (5461)
Release: Mar 11, 2024 Downloads: 2
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