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Plugin Author : Huehue.

Uploaded: Jan 14, 2024 Downloads: 34

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Reapi Weapons Menu:
This is a gaming weapon menu that provides free weapons for players. It can be configured to grant access to VIP, ADMIN, and EVERYONE. The menu is adaptive and compatible with other modes such as Respawn and Zombie. It can contain an unlimited number of weapons. 
Easy to config  (amxmodx/configs/plugins/HuehuePlugins_Config/SpawnWeaponsMenu.cfg.)
Admin commands
CvarValue  DescriptionDefault Settings
swm_after_round2After X round to show weapons menuDefault: "2"
swm_auto_close_menu_after5.0After X seconds to close the menuDefault: "5.0"
swm_vip_flag_access"b"Access to the menu If you set flag for VIP users For everyone to use it leave it blank, don't set flag

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