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Our Resources

Public Game Monitoring

Uploaded: Oct 25, 2023 Downloads: 2

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Optimized development of a game tracking site is crucial for creating a high-quality resource that provides information about video games, news, statistics, and other relevant data for the gaming community.

Intuitive and appealing design that facilitates visitor navigation.
Proper choice of colors, fonts, and graphics that reflect the gaming theme.
Mobile Support: Adaptive or responsive design to ensure a smooth and functional experience on mobile devices.
User Registration and Login System:

Ability for users to create profiles and register on the site.
Website protection against attacks such as SQL injections and data scraping.
User profile management system with rights for administrators and moderators.

News + comments (addition, editing, and deletion).
Surveys (addition, editing, and deletion).
Server statistics (addition, editing, and deletion).
Variety for tracking different games (addition, editing, and deletion).
Adding game servers (addition, editing, and deletion).
Adding custom banners (addition, editing, and deletion).
Adding advertising banners (768x90 & 468x60 and 88x31) - (addition, editing, and deletion).
Purchasing Credits (Credit System works through PayPal Operator).
Purchasing custom banners (addition, editing, and deletion).
Purchasing advertising banners (768x90 & 468x60 and 88x31) - (addition, editing, and deletion).
Purchasing boost positions on game servers.
Purchasing VIP positions on game servers.
Purchasing VIP PLUS positions on game servers.
Admin Panel for easy access to site settings (credits, news, servers, games, etc.).
Easy access for managing registered users on the site from the User Control Panel.
Integration of a forum from phpBB 3.3.11.
Integration of Style Forum Design.

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AMXX Mod X 1.10.0 (5461)
Release: Mar 11, 2024 Downloads: 2
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