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Bet Plugin Extras

Uploaded: Apr 12, 2023 Downloads: 2

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The AMXX Bet plugin operates similarly to a standard betting plugin, allowing players to earn in-game currency through successful bets.

However, this modified version introduces additional features to enhance the gameplay experience.

One notable feature is the ability to win V.I.P "flags" by achieving 5 consecutive wins.

The number of wins required for this reward can be adjusted to suit the server's preferences.

In the event of an incorrect bet, players will reset their progress towards earning the V.I.P "flags."

Here are the configurable Cvar list along with their descriptions:

Note: In the .sma file, specifically on line 105, you have the option to set up the flags that will be earned by winning the bets.

You can modify the value of ( new g_szFlags[] = "bi"  ) to define the specific flags or rewards that players will receive upon winning their bets.

bet_chatenabled: Enables/disables chat functionality within the betting system. (Default: 1)

bet_adsenabled: Enables/disables advertisements related to bets. (Default: 1)

bet_mustbedead: Determines whether players must be dead to participate in bets. (Default: 1)

bet_oddssystem: Enables/disables the odds system for bets. (Default: 1)

bet_wins_needed: Specifies the number of consecutive wins required to earn V.I.P "flags." (Default: 5)

bet_vip_duration: Sets the duration for which V.I.P "flags" remain active before expiring, in hours. (Default: 24)

In addition, a helpful command has been set up for players to access information about the betting system.

By typing /betinfo in the chat, players can access relevant details.

The command is registered with the alias "BetMotd," which directs users to a designated file for bet information.

The file location is defined as BET_MOTD in the .sma file, located at "addons/amxmodx/configs/BET_info.html".

This system promotes fairness and encourages players to continue participating in bets without fear of losing all progress due to a single mistake.

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